Monday, February 1, 2016

Biscuits: A Saturday Morning Favorite

I love me a nice warm biscuit on a Saturday morning! I like to watch the butter slowly melt on it and then dribbling some honey on top of it. I really like it when the honey and butter mixture run down my fingers and I have to quickly lick it off before it falls to a mess. Pair it with a cup of hot coffee and I'm so satisfied.

I sometimes want to be lazy and just pop open one of those already prepared cans of biscuits. You know the one that is supposed to be easy to open but half the time you end up beating the can to death on the counter top before it magically "pops" out the biscuits. Yep, those. They are easy to make and taste fairly good, but for someone who made a resolution to start making my own bread, this is not a good option. And really, the ones you make from scratch--no comparison!

This past weekend I got out my favorite cookbook and referenced the baking soda biscuit recipe while sipping my first cup of hot coffee.

And as I was finishing up mixing the ingredients, and of course on cue, my daughter comes in to help. I love her in the kitchen with me. Even when she wants to ask a hundred questions before I've finished my first cup of joe. She is too young yet to understand the concept of "not a morning person" and "coffee before talking." I'm trying to help her know about these things...

She cut the biscuits out and placed them on the cooking sheet. She even buttered the tops with the melted butter.

And when they came out of the oven, she helped me eat them. Such a good little helper!

I'm slowly adding new bread making experiences to my recipe box and hopefully my family will benefit from the goodness of it. Food made with love!

With Love,


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